What I Offer

Body-identical HRT (rBHRT)
Body-identical hormones have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as the hormones produced by the body. These include Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone. They are derived from plants and are licensed and regulated by MHRA. They are also called regulated Bio-identical hormones ( rBHRT).

Local Vaginal Treatments
There are various local hormonal and non hormonal products available which can greatly help with vaginal and bladder symptoms. Proper individualised treatment can make a significant improvement in symptoms.

Testosterone Therapy
Testosterone is an important female hormone and levels go down with menopause transition. They are used to treat low sexual desire and sometimes fatigue and brain fog. They are bio-identical hormones and are available in the form of gels, creams, and implants.

DHEA Therapy
DHEA is a type of steroid hormone produced by the ovaries and adrenals. Levels begin to drop after the age of 30 years, and can result in fatigue, low motivation, poor concentration, low libido etc. It can be supplemented in form of oral tablets to help improve well-being.

Bio-identical Hormones
Bio-identical hormones are personalised hormonal products specifically compounded and made for you in specialist pharmacies. This gives flexibility to titrate the hormones to your needs and use specific doses which not not available in regulated HRT. These products are unlicensed and not regulated by MHRA.

Lifestyle Interventions
Lifestyle interventions are a big part of hormonal & midlife health. This includes exercise, nutrition, supplements, sleep, and lifestyle modifications to optimise health and well-being.
You will be supported at every step of the way.
Be Healthy, Be Happy